Apple has officially announced the price cuts for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 14 models as the iPhone 16 series launches. Here’s the updated price list
Apple has officially announced the price cuts for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 14 models a…
Apple has officially announced the price cuts for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 14 models a…
When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
Who was involved?
Why did it happen? And how did it happen?
Most, if not all, of these questions are answered in the lead (the first few paragraphs) in straight news. The rest of the article offers details, organized so the most important information comes first. This structure, called an inverted pyramid form, enables busy readers to gain the essential information quickly and allows editors to drop the final paragraphs if they run out of space.*This should be a factual reporting of the event
Writing for a magazine is perhaps one of the best feelings that anyone can ever experience. Think of it like writing for a newspaper company except you are going to be more relaxed as the deadlines are not that pressured as magazines only get published once a month. With the trend transitioning from print to digital, it is more important than ever that the content being produced and written should be relevant to their target audience. After all, if not for them, who else are they writing it for? Unlike the news however, the content found in magazines are not a mix of current issues, with business reports and sports news. Instead, it is a collection of various feature stories and a mix of different content depending on the kind of magazine. Instead of writing about politics and crime, you get to write “soft news” which feels like a breath of fresh air for the people. One good experience that the magazines can offer is that it grants you that creative freedom to write about topics that you are passionate about.
Hello, my name is Jack Sparrow. I'm a 50 year old self-employed Pirate from the Caribbean.
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